Idea premium office for top businesses in Victoria island

🏒 Discover Your Ideal Office Space 🏒

Location: Number 1, Akin Adesola Street, VI.

πŸ“† Special Offer: Rent based on 2 years upfront

🌟 2nd floor (1,217 sqm): $550 per sqm

🌟 3 months moratorium

🌟 6th floor (1,100 sqm): $700 per sqm

🌟 3 months moratorium

πŸš€ Plus, enjoy top-notch services:

πŸ’Ό Service charge: Estimated at $50 per sq.m per annum

πŸ’° Withholding tax to be paid separately (in naira)

Don’t miss out on this opportunity.

Your dream office space awaits.

For Contacts (Pay And Move-in)

Hotline :- +234(0)7062223999

Email :-


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